Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Budget Reality Checks & Other Links from 118th Festival of Frugality

The: Festival of Frugality #118: ABC Edition is up at My Dollar Plan. With organization and style, the host has put together a great lineup. Thanks to My Dollar Plan for including my post in the mix.

Here are a few of the posts that caught my eye.

From Yan: 14 Easy Ways to get the best Shopping Deals posted at buxr.com. A very helpful list of shopping tips.

From Shana: Smart Easy Money: Budgeting is Only for Lean Times?? posted at Smart Easy Money. This is a very thoughtful piece about the need for budgeting in a boom or bust economy. This post delivers a great reality check!

From Silicon Valley Blogger: Serious Savers Who Died Very Wealthy posted at The Digerati Life. I enjoyed this piece about secret millionaires who saved large fortunes and gave a portion to charity.

From Steward: Save to Buy … If You Buy At All posted at My Family’s Money. This is an instructive strategy for buying only what you need and can afford.

Once again, thanks to the host (My Dollar Plan) for taking the time to put together a great festival!


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