Thursday, April 17, 2008

Disaster Signs, Emotional Security Checks & Other Picks from Carnival of Personal Finance

What's the link between financial security and emotional security? That's one of several thoughtful posts featured at the 148th Edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance, which is up at Gather Little by Little.

Thanks to the host for putting together an engaging carnival. Thanks for including my post in the mix. Check out the photo tour of North Carolina, home state for our host.
Here are a few of the posts that caught my eye:

From Consumerism Commentary: If Monthly Budgets Don’t Excite You, Try This. I enjoyed this post about re-thinking the budget process. Flexo also includes a helpful link.

From American Consumer News: 10 Warning Signs of Debt Disaster . Review this check list. It's a reality check.

From The Digerati Life: How Money Challenges Prevent You From Building The Life You Love. I appreciated this thoughtful article about the link between our money management skills and our general well-being, including personal relationships.

Thanks again to the host for taking the time to read and organize the carnival. Excellent job!



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