Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Flexo to Quit Day Job & Other Items from 119th Festival of Frugality

The 119th edition of the Festival of Frugality is up at Consumerism Commentary. Flexo is an excellent host and launches the carnival with the news that he's giving up his day job in order to become a full-time blogger. Great news!

Thanks to Flexo for putting together an insightful festival. Thanks for including my post in the mix and mentioning it in the Editor's Choice section.

Here are a few of the posts that also caught my eye.

From Penny Nickel: 10 ways you can use less artificial light—lower emissions and your energy bill! posted at Money and Values. (I love this list about using natural light, twilight, night light and sweet light.)

From ~Dawn: Free Audio Resources posted at Frugal For Life. (Dawn has great tips about getting free music and programs on the Web.)

From Shana: How Much Money Do You Lose Through Laziness? at Smart Easy Money. (This post offers a push for those of us who waste money through inactivity and/or procrastination.)

From Pinyo: 5 Strategies to Survive An Economic Slowdown at Moolanomy. (Note to self: Bookmark this post!)

Thanks again to Flexo for taking the time to compile a great line-up with insightful comments.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I don't know if that is Flexo's April Fool's joke. In any case, thank you for sharing my post with your readers.
