Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Money-Saving Hair Wash & Other Earth Day Tips From Disney Survey

Shorter showers was one tip from a recent energy audit of my home. Honestly, I still take long showers. But I have dramatically changed the way I wash my hair in the shower.

I have long thick, afro hair that takes me at least 30 minutes to wash, a task that is completed one section at a time. (Anyone with thick curly or happy-nappy hair knows what I'm talking about!) Confession: I used to let the hot water run for 30 minutes or longer. But in the spirit of saving money and resources, I now use less water and less electricity. What's more, I no longer run out of hot water while washing my hair.

I call it my stop-and-go shower. While rinsing my waist-length hair, I let the shower run. But I cut off the water while applying shampoo and massaging conditioner into my hair. I've also reduced my shower time by de-tangling my hair before I start the process, which saves time, money and power.

It's a small step, but it's progress and if I accumulate enough small savings, I will have scored a major change in my approach to money, energy and time.

Here's a list of what other people are doing to save money, according to a survey conducted by Disney.

"The survey findings include:
· Nearly three of every four Americans recycles cans, paper and plastics at home
· Nearly two in three Americans turn out lights when leaving a room and say they are using high efficiency bulbs
· Nearly one in three Americans who drive a conventional car today plan to make their next vehicle a hybrid
· The top two reasons parents are concerned about the environment are looking out for the future of their children and because the health of their family is important to them, according to a recent online survey of attitudes about the environment on Disney Family.com (http://www.family.com/).

Of the more than 8,000 parents that participated in the Disney Family.com online survey, 90 percent indicated that the environment is an important issue to them and their families. The top two reasons that the environment is an important issue for parents: “they are looking out for the future of their children” and “the health of their family.”

Disney Family.com recently launched a new “green living” page to provide parents with access to information on their environmental impact, resources for reducing their environmental impact, and a forum to share “green” tips with other families (www.family.com/greenliving).

In addition to survey findings, the ”green living” page features tips and ideas aimed at helping families go green, including:

· A “How Green Am I?” quiz and carbon footprint calculator based on calculations from Environmental Defense Fund
· Hundreds of easy, “going green” tips and ideas
· Tips on the best green products
· 50 actions families can take to be eco-friendly
· Earth-friendly craft ideas"

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