Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Save the Wedding Glitter for Retirement & Other Tips from Festival of Frugality

Cut wedding costs, seek free entertainment and chew on frugal philosophy. Those are some of topics posted at the 121st edition of the Festival of Frugality -- (organized by Rather be Shopping.) Thanks to the host for assembling a great carnival. Excellent job! Thanks for including one of my posts in the lineup.

Here are a few of the articles that caught my eye:

From FMF: How to Have Half a Million Dollars at Retirement by Controlling Wedding Costs posted at Free Money Finance.

From Saving Advice: Free (Or Nearly Free) Entertainment For Every Week of the Year posted at SavingAdvice.com Blog

From Living Almost Large: Downgrading your lifestyle? posted at LivingAlmostLarge.

Once again: Thanks to Rather Be Shopping for organizing a thoughtful and thought-provoking carnival.



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Thanks for the very nice mention. I enjoyed your post!
