Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Ask Your Boss to Underwrite a Bus Pass and Save $1,200 a Year

A friend of mine has found a way to shave at least $1,200 a year from her commuting costs. She now takes the bus and train to work, and her employer is underwriting a large portion of the fare.

Even if she paid full fare for public transportation, my friend would have saved plenty on her daily commute based on gas prices and maintenance costs for her car. But with her employer underwriting 50 percent of the monthly bus/train pass, her savings are greater.

Ask if your employer offers a discount on monthly passes or tokens for public transportation. Here's how one program works in my area: More businesses subsidizing Transit for employees.

In South Florida and other regions of the country, many employers are providing discounted commuter passes for buses and trains. The South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, which operates a tri-county commuter train in my area, provided me with the following comment about the recent spike in employer-sponsored transit passes:
"In June 2008, Tri-Rail’s Employer Discount Program signed on 1,233 new members and 118 new employers – a record ever since the inception of the program in 1992."

For years, I've traveled by bus and train. In a previous post, I featured my tips for traveling on public transportation: Excuse me, May I Sit Next to You? 6 Tips for Traveling on a Crowded Bus or Train


I've written a book: a financial memoir with money-saving tips. Here's how you can buy my new book:
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