Thursday, July 31, 2008

Refund Demand: Cereal Lacked Berries!

My friend M.R. demanded a rebate! Her cereal -- Special K with red berries -- failed to deliver enough berries. After opening the box, she had a hard time finding any fruit.

Mixed in with the cereal, she counted only eight berries. Given the high cost of food prices, why settle for less than you are due. (We're all on tight budgets!) Based on that argument, M.R. -- a frugal gal -- called the company and spoke to a customer-service rep. As a result of that conversation, M.R. received a refund (a coupon for a free box of Special K). She was impressed with how the customer-service rep handled the situation.

M.R. followed a perfect map for filing a successful complaint. It's a strategy that I've used also.

  • Define and Document your problem. M.R. counted the berries and used the actual number to give her complaint more validity.
  • Look for the manufacturer's number: Frequently, the makers of a product are very willing to provide refunds or replacements for shoddy, inadequate or damaged merchandise. They want your return business and will take extra steps to make you happy. Look for the toll-free number on the package.

  • Politely explain your problem: Respect, honesty and a calm tone will help you get your money back. In contrast, customer-service reps will be less willing to send you free coupons or a rebate if you are abusive on the phone.

Related Links:

Fine Whines: Crafting Complaints

Appealing to a Higher Shopping Power: Call the Manager


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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