Sunday, August 03, 2008

30-Day Spending Ban & Other Links I Liked

What happens when we halt our spending machines for 3o days? That subject comes from Get Rich Slowly: Use a No-Spend Month to Become Mindful of Money. It's one of several personal finance links that caught my eye over the past week.

From My Two Dollars: Paying Off Debt And Saving Money Can Be Done At The Same Time.

From The Digerati Life: Reduce Your Grocery Bill With These Practical Tips

From Almost Frugal: Five Things You Should Not Spend More Money On

From The Simple Dollar: Overcoming a Habit of Lying to Yourself About Money

From Ceejay74's Personal Finance Blog: 2008/2009 goals
(Note: I enjoyed reading about CeeJay's money-saving budget.)

From Boston Gal's Open Wallet: Extreme Foreclosure: Harper Family of Georgia
(very interesting review of how one family landed in foreclosure)


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention! I'm glad you enjoyed the article.
