Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome to Wise Bread Readers & My Weekly Roundup

Welcome Wise Bread Readers! Welcome to my weekly roundup of favorite posts. By the way, I'm hosting a Q&A session at a Wise Bread Forum:

"For this entire week (8/18- 8/24), Sharon Harvey Rosenberg (The Frugal Duchess) will be answering questions in our forum about blogging, personal finance, and her new book Frugal Duchess: How to Live Well and Save Money Anywhere "

Please drop by and ask a question or two. Last week at the Wise Bread forum, SVB from The Digerati Life was in the spotlight as the guest host, and the session featured great questions and thoughtful answers! It's a bookmark. Thanks to all the folks at Wise Bread for inviting me to their forum.

Weekly Roundup: Links I Liked

Here are a few posts that caught my eye over the last week:

From The Simple Dollar: Winning the Battle Against Low Quality Generics While Still Saving Money

From Mapgirl's Fiscal Challenge: If I Were to Buy a House Today…

From AllFinancialMatters: Thomas Jefferson’s Wise Advice

From Five Cent Nickel: Is Your Credit Union Safe?

From My Open Wallet: Marriage and Health Care Costs


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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