Sunday, September 21, 2008

Losses, Goodbyes & Shortages: A Weekly Roundup about Turbulence

Loss is the subject of this week's roundup. From death to layoffs to finanical losses, there was a lot of grief this week. Here are a few posts that addressed the topics of loss, regrets and shortages:

From Pinching Pennies: Laid Off

From Financial Fitness: Good Bye and God Bless, Aunt May

From Wise Bread: Could the last person to leave America please turn out the light.

From Consumerist: Thrift Stores Running Out Of Pants [Thrift Stores]

From Get Rich Slick: I Pulled All My Money Out of WAMU
From Consumerism Commentary: Who Do You Blame When You Lost $6 Million Overnight?


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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