Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Two Dollars Hosts Festival of Frugality: Favorite Picks

My Two Dollars hosted Festival Of Frugality #144 - The Host Bailed Out Edition.

Kudos to the host -- an emergency sub -- for doing a great job on a short notice, and thanks for including my post in the mix: My Blue Shoe Day — Thrift Wins Over Fashion: Lessons from a Color Clash!

These posts caught my eye from the festival:

From The Simple Dollar: What a Frugality Expert Is - And Why I’m Not One

From Sound Money Matters: How to Invite Financial Windfalls into Your Life

From Funny about Money: No-shop days boost frugality

From HowToMe: How to Save Water Indoors (a few tips)

Thanks again to the host for taking the time and effort to compile the festival.


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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