Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekly Roundup & Frugal Blog Network

Here are a few links that caught my eye this week, including a few posts from the Frugal Blog Network.

From The Budget Fashionista: Go Green and Save Money: Personal Finance Advice

From Money Smart Life: Financial Crisis and Wall Street Bailout - What Do They Mean to You?

From Penny For My Thoughts: Trickle-down recession

From My Two Dollars: Friends Asking Friends For Donations - How Do You Handle It?

From Budgeting Babe: Time to Remember What Money Can't Buy

From Smart Spending blog (MSN): A few things we're doing right

Frugal Blog Network partners:

From Frugal Babe: An Almost No-Spending Saturday

From Not Made Of Money: Fall Garage Sales – Time to Cash in

From Tight-Fisted Mister: Making Money on the Side

Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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