Monday, September 01, 2008

Weekly Roundup: Links I Liked

Happy Labor Day! Here are a few items that caught my eye this week:

From CashMoneyLife: The History of Labor Day

From My Two Dollars: People Here Don’t Give A Crap What Kind Of Car We Drive.

From Free Money Finance: Two Steps to Being a Millionaire and Retiring in Your 40's

From The Budget Fashionista: Back to School Sales, Pinching Pennies, and Gearing up for Fashion Week: Daily Poll Wrap-Up

From Single Ma's Fabulous Financials: The Financial Trail of My Hawaiian Vacation ______________

Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders


  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Thanks for the mention, hope you had a great weekend!

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Thanks for the mention. :-)
