Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I Can't Afford to Go on a Book Tour, But I'll Travel Online

My grand plans of having a multi-city book tour to promote my Frugal Duchess book have been grounded by economic reality. So with help from fellow bloggers, I'm launching an online book tour. The party kicks off later tonight.

Even with my publisher covering most expenses, traveling busts my budget. Hotels, tips, gas, clothes, makeup, etc. are costly. What's more, I've started a new job. My employer has been wonderful, wonderful, wonderful about periodic two-day promotional trips. I'm so grateful for that flexibility.

And in an uncertain job market, I'm not going to risk financial security with an extended six-week national book tour. I like my job; I need that job. And my family needs health insurance. Again: I am so grateful and my parents are so relieved that I am acting sensibly.

But I'm not locking up my childhood dreams of a huge meet-and-greet tour. I am going on a national online tour. Between now and November 15, I'll travel to different blogs across the country. Various bloggers, websites and online publications will host me in different styles.

Some will write book reviews; others will give away my book to their readers or ask me questions during online interviews. On some sites, I will offer a guest post or provide space for other writers to post articles on my blog.

The party kicks off tonight with a guest appearance on this site from the editor of Budget Savvy magazine --an online publication. I'll post a finalized tour schedule by the end of the week.

Thanks to all who have volunteered to help me celebrate. I feel fortunate and blessed.

Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Amazon.com
@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders
@ Target.com

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Many small luxury river cruises also have naturalists, historians and other experts onboard to educate and entertain cruisers. They offer informal lectures, lead expeditions and answer questions. Completely narrated excursions and sightseeing are generally a part of the price of the cruise. Luxury cabins of the cruise feature historic decor and luxurious appointments, thus offering comfort and convenience to those cruisers who wish to travel around important and historical sites. Many of the small luxury river cruises have single-seating dining and nightly entertainment in elegant showrooms
