Saturday, October 18, 2008

Online Book Tour: LA-Story Hosts a Frugal DIY Spa

I live in Miami Beach, where we have amazing day spas and resorts. And because of the slow economy some of my favorite spas now offer great deals and discounts. Prices range from $99 - $150 for services that would otherwise cost $200- $300. But I've found a way to save even more money with a Do-it-Yourself home spa menu.


That's the beginning (the rest is below) of a guest post that I wrote for, a blog about fashion, beauty and fun. Thanks to Stevie Wilson, who runs that blog, for hosting me as part of the online tour for my book: The Frugal Duchess: How to Live Well and Save.

As part of the tour, featured this guest post: Don’t Let the Economy Stop Your Spa Treatments! The Frugal Duchess Gives You All the Tips & Treatments to do At Home!


Creating the right atmosphere is the first step. A serene, blissed-out environment is one of the perks of high-end day spas. So I launched my home establishment with fresh flowers from the supermarket (they lasted for over a week), a scented candle ( I had plenty around the house) and a wineglass filled with filtered water and a bit of lime.

A few weeks ago, I started this Frugal Duchess DIY spa because I really wanted a pedicure, but didn't want to spend $35-$50, including tip and tax. My answer: Hey girl, do it yourself.

To stock the home spa, I went to the drug store and purchased supplies: a pumice stone, cuticle trimmer, a few all-natural foot creams and other tools. Altogether, my supplies cost about $24 and that stash will last for at least six treatments or $4 a pedicure. What's more, I have saved on transportation costs.

The supplies and tools are stored in a square Tupperware container that I seized from the kitchen. When emptied of pedicure supplies, this little plastic container doubles as my foot bath. Filled with warm water and a few drops of essential lavender oil, this DIY footbath provides comfort and therapy for my dry skin. After soaking and drying each foot, I apply a foot balm made from coconut oil and Vitamin E. Cuticles are softened with a lemon and beeswax cuticle cream from Burt's Bees.

And then I get down to business: Nails are clipped; cuticles are trimmed and the skin is buffed in an effort to smooth out the rough edges of my heels and soles. The repetitive motion becomes a meditation on calluses and surfaces.

The finishing touch is complete with the selection and application of red nail enamel. This DIY process of clipping, trimming, buffing and glossing has added layers of polish and protective coats to my nails and self esteem. I can really do it myself – with elegance. And I've provided a $40 service for about $4 a session.

Thanks again to LA-Story for hosting this stop on the book tour.

Related posts:

Online Book Tour Visits Digerati Life with a Silicon Valley Interview

Online Book Tour: Budget Savvy's Payday Strategies

I Can't Afford to Go on a Book Tour, But I'll Travel Online


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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