Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Online Book Tour: Old Clothes Featured at Get Rich Slowly

Welcome to readers of Get Rich Slowly, the latest stop on the Frugal Duchess online book tour. As part of the traveling show, J.D. Roth of Get Rich Slowly recently featured a guest post written by me: Old Clothes for the New Year.

Thanks to J.D. Roth for hosting the book tour!

Here is a little snippet about Get Rich Slowly: "Writer J.D. Roth managed to accumulate more than $35,000 of consumer debt before coming to his senses. He spent three years reading about money and putting what he learned into practice, and is now debt-free except for his mortgage. Roth is no financial expert -- he's just an average guy sharing his progress and mistakes at Get Rich Slowly, one of the top personal finance blogs on the Internet."

Get Rich Slowly — recently named most inspiring money blog by Money magazine — is devoted to sensible real-world personal finance. It contains tips on frugality, debt reduction, and the psychology of money, as well as more traditional information, like finding the best online savings account!

Related Posts:

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Online Book Tour: Budget Savvy's Payday Strategies

I Can't Afford to Go on a Book Tour, But I'll Travel Online


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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