Saturday, October 25, 2008

Online Book Tour: Tight Fisted Miser Book Review

My online book tour travels to the Tight Fisted Miser, who has reviewed The Frugal Duchess book and sponsored a book giveaway. Here's a snippet from the book review.

“The Frugal Duchess” manages to combine a frugal tips book and a memoir into one book. Reading about the ordeals her parents went through will remind you how much more difficult life was just a generation or two ago. -- Tight Fisted Miser:

Thanks to Tight Fisted Miser for the great book review and for generously hosting the online book tour.

Related Posts:

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Online Book Tour: Budget Savvy's Payday Strategies
I Can't Afford to Go on a Book Tour, But I'll Travel Online


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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