Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Online Tour Stop: Girls Just Want to Have Funds

"Breaking Financial Ceilings One Stiletto At A Time," is the tagline for Girls Just Want to Have Funds. With that mantra in mind, I have the stilettos ready because that site --run by the fabulous Ginger -- is the latest stop on the Frugal Duchess Online Book Tour.

Ginger has kindly provided space, time and energy for the book tour and I have a guest post up at Girls Just Want to Have Funds, which is a great resource for personal finance information. Here is the post: The Frugal Duchess: How I Wrote A Book In One Summer

Thanks to Ginger for hosting the tour. And if you are in the New York Area today-- Tuesday, October 28 @ 6 p.m. -- please come to the Frugal Duchess book party at Hue-Man Bookstore & Cafe.

Related Posts:
Please Party with Me in NYC: Book Reading
Online Book Tour: Tight Fisted Miser Book Review
Online Book Tour: Old Clothes Featured at Get Rich Slowly
Online Book Tour: LA-Story Hosts a Frugal DIY Spa
Online Book Tour Visits Digerati Life with a Silicon Valley Interview
Online Book Tour: Budget Savvy's Payday Strategies
I Can't Afford to Go on a Book Tour, But I'll Travel Online


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Amazon.com
@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders
@ Target.com

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