Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekly Roundup & Frugal Blog Network

How do you talk to a child about your foreclosed home? That's one of several posts that caught my eye this week. Here are the links I liked:

From No Credit Needed: Shopping At An Antiques Store For Non-Antique Stuff

From Lazy Man and Money: Can You Plan for Unexpected Expenses?

From The Simple Dollar: Talking to a Child About Home Foreclosure

From Moolanomy: Where To Find Small Business Loans

Frugal Blog Network Links:

From Not Made Of Money: How To Dress Well For Less - Frugal Clothing 101

From Frugal Babe: Going Out Of Town Checklist: Food And Diapers

From Tight Fisted Miser: Refill Your Printer Ink Cartridge

From Frugal Zeitgeist: Affluenza and the new economy


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Hi Sharon
    Congrats on the book..I was going to ask if it's available here in the UK and then promptly found it on Amazon! No to get dh to buy it for me :)
