Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Midweek Roundup & Frugal Blog Network

Here are a few stories that caught my eye:

From the Frugal Blog Network:

A $500 a Month Retirement Budget from Tight Fisted Miser

When the bell tolls, maybe it tolls for thee (what to do after losing a job) from Frugal Zeitgeist

Open Enrollment Time from Not Made Of Money

How to Look Fabulous, Frugally: Part Three from almost frugal

Frugal Organic Play Doh from Frugal Babe

Other favorite links:

Could You Eat Healthfully on One Dollar a Day? from Get Rich Slowly

12 Million American’s Are STILL Paying Off Last Year’s Christmas! From

Back to Basics: Keep on top of your income streams From Mighty Bargain Hunter

A Plan to Cook at Home for Single People From Mapgirl's Fiscal Challenge


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Amazon.com
@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders
@ Target.com

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link Sharon! I was really hoping it would inspire some other posts about cooking plans. Maybe some of your readers have ideas of their own? I'd be glad to repost them if they want to send me an email. :-)
