Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekly Roundup & Frugal Blog Network

Here are the posts that caught my eye this week:

From the Frugal Blog Network:

Finding Affordable Health Insurance from Tight Fisted Miser

Our Holiday Gift Giving Plans from Frugal Babe

How to Deal with Financial Stress in Your Life from Not Made Of Money

How to Look Fabulous, Frugally: Part Three from Almost Frugal

Conspicuous consumption is no longer cool from Frugal Zeitgeist

From other personal finance bloggers:

Finding money thanks to from Experiments in Finance

The Ups And Downs Of Office Food from Frugal Freedom

Christmas Shopping Tips to Keep Your Holiday Spending Under Control from Money Smart Life

Small Changes For Big Savings On Groceries from My Two Dollars

Cut Backs from Dual Income No Kids


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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