Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Goals for 2009 & Other Links From the Frugal Blog Network

It's time to write down our financial goals for 2009. Frugal Babe has already started the process. Her post -- from the Frugal Blog Network -- is one of several articles that have caught my eye this week:

Financial Goals For 2009 from Frugal Babe:

This year - for the first time ever - we met all of our financial goals for the year. This makes us all the more motivated to stretch further in 2009 and see what we can do.

Cheap Stocking Stuffers: Inexpensive Gift from Not Made Of Money

Fortunately, finding fun, festive stocking stuffers can be really easy. By keeping your eye open for little extras, you can be sure to have the best stockings on the block.

Never Pay for Books, Music or Movies Again from almost frugal:

I think the best way to get truly free books is by swapping them with friends. I have four or five friends who have similar taste in reading material as me, and we swap books frequently. But there are also more formalized book swapping services, such as Paperback Swap or BookMooch.

Is Frugality Becoming Trendy? from Tight Fisted Miser:
With the economic downturn tightening budgets I have seen several articles discussing how frugality is now becoming cool. They usually support this claim with a few anecdotes from ordinary citizens. Based on my own observations I doubt that frugality is actually becoming cool or even becoming much more socially acceptable.

Gift wars from Frugal Zeitgeist:

They come when you least expect it. One year, someone gives you a little birthday or Christmas gift that you weren't expecting. The next time a holiday rolls around, you feel obliged to reciprocate, only that person gave you something again..


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Sharon, it was a pleasure to meet you at Books & Books in Coral Gables, FL. I even blogged about your book as I reveal my other identity--closet bookworm at http://aboutchristinemichaels.blogspot.com

    When you mentioned homemade Christmas gifts I wondered if you have a solution for one dilemma. I create a delish Kahlua flan with raspberries and mint sprigs and can't think of a suitable container to keep it cool and fresh for presenting as a Christmas gift. I know recipients will think it's from a bakery but I'm missing that special container. Any suggestions?
