Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Favorite Frugal Fitness Workouts

Creating a home fitness center is the latest do-it-yourself project around my home. With a mix of creativity and technology, the goal is to stretch muscles without overextending the home budget. Here's my blueprint:

Radio aerobics: Attending an aerobics class at a gym can be a challenge when time and money are in short supply. But the humble radio is a solution. With fast-paced music stations, a full-length mirror, a clock and a pair of sneakers, I've recreated some of my favorite moments from fee-based, cardio-dance classes. Basically, I dance, jump and hop around to the beat of my favorite stations. During a 30-minute, dance-at-home session, the radio provides music for my inventive cardio routines, and the commercial interruptions serve as stretching breaks between songs. I use a mirror to monitor my posture and a clock to time my workout.

Mastering stairs: In addition to purchasing second-hand fitness equipment, there are a range of frugal options for working out at home. At Target, for example, I recently found a step work-out system for $60 and a mini step-counting, electrical stair machine for $70. Both products are compact and easily stored. My frugal children, however, suggested that I just run up and down the stairs (10 flights) in our apartment building for free. I could also use the stairs at malls, office buildings and public walkways.

Jump ropes: Dollar stores and sporting goods stores sell a variety of jump ropes at affordable prices. There's even a website -- -- with facts, videos and tips about jumping rope. -- an online manual of how-to tips and articles -- offers a free guide for jumping rope, with a video.

TV, video and online programs: My friend Claudia Vigil-Perez of Miami gets in shape by tuning into a fitness channel offered by a cable provider. Likewise, using our home computer, my teenage son has worked out along with a video posted on by a personal trainer. Public libraries, video stores and secondhand book stores also have broad workout videos in different genres.

Here's how to buy my book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders


  1. Good morning,

    I have been trying to lose weight for a long time. I have tried weight watchers twice and had several memberships to a variety of gyms. Throughout the months of October, November, and December I gained about 20 lbs. That was enough. Also, at the time of the gain I was the largest I had ever been.

    My plan was to lose weight without paying anyone to help me. I purchased a bike trainer from Dick's (it attaches to my bike and makes it stationary). I do 50 squats using a pilates ball. I stretch daily. Also with the ball I do leg raises.

    To date, I have lost 12 lbs. Sometimes, I do overeat on the weekends, but overall I am proud of what I have accomplished. 13 lbs. to go, I will lose 25 lbs total, that is my goal. I gave myself a deadline of March 31, if I have not achieved it, the world is not going to end for me.

    I want a healthy lifestyle. I can tell that my clothes are fitting different. I had to take matters into my own hands and realize that I can do it for myself without paying a gym or personal trainer. I too use FitTV and the stairs at the park.

    Thanks for the motivation. I like your blog. It is very useful.

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Anonymous3:47 PM

    youtube is a great way to get exercise videos for free. I have utilized 8 minute abs quite a lot of times.

  3. Anonymous5:28 PM

    The internet has practically changed exercise routines. Now there's youtube clips and has clips of their own. In extreme times you don't have to leave the home to get a good workout.
