Thursday, February 12, 2009

Recycled Love & Reused Cards: A Pack Rat's Frugal Love Story

A love story for pack rats: With a mountain of cards and a sluggish economy, one older couple has found a thrifty way to celebrate their romance.

As an exercise in love, they each sorted through the cards that they had exchanged and saved over the years: Imagine stacks of cherished Valentine's Day cards collected during the course of a relationship or marriage that has lasted decades. Their assignment: Find the cards that have meant the most over the years and present those cards to each other.

Why buy new cards when older editions speak volumes about commitment and enduring love? That story came from my friend Christine B. and was based on the Valentine's exchange that Christine's mom and stepfather have launched this year. The gesture was frugal and very romantic. In fact, the recycled love notes prompted Christine to ask her own husband about launching their own romantic traditions.

After reading my post about frugal Valentine's gifts, Christine called to share that story with me.
Thanks Christine.


Here's how to buy my book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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