Monday, February 09, 2009

Sort, Purge & Cash Out: A Frugal Guide to Organization

When household possessions push against the borders of our homes, the results lead to a crunch of space, time and money. But space-saving solutions can generate cash and restore sanity. That's the verdict from Gia Lipa, author of

''I was born a pack rat,'' she told me. "I come from a long line of pack rats.''
She developed a system for sorting, selling and storing household items. A clutter-free environment maximizes improves the quality of life, Lipa says.

Here's how she does it:

Start a value system. Measure the value of your space against the value (emotional, financial or practical) of your possessions.

Accelerate the sort-and-purge process by creating four buckets: save, sell, donate and toss. Periodically, place your possessions in one of those categories and take action.

Sell castoffs annually through online flea markets, yard sales, consignment shops or classified advertisements. The venue is less important than the timing.

Save space by using unconventional storage areas, according to Millie Kay Grand, a contributor at For example, in her home, a footlocker serves as a coffee table and storage for comic books.

Recycle and reuse. Find new uses for traditional household items. A shoe bag, for instance, can be used to store accessories, Grand says.

Here's how to buy my book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Thanks Sharon! It was great to have shared this piece with you! I could certainly use additional organizational strategies in my life. :)
