Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Kiplinger's List of Great Summer Reads: Pages & Pages of Money

"Kiplinger’s editors have compiled a list of their favorite books — imparting financial wisdom as well as entertaining tales — in 14 Great Summer Reads. Whether you’re looking for plot, thought, or want to be taught, it’s all here. Titles include:

· Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis (Dover, $3.50)
Yes, it's a novel from the 1920s, and no, it's not about picking stocks or mutual funds. But it's one of the original business novels in American letters and still one of the best.

· Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis (Penguin, $16.00)
The author's first big hit, this 1989 book chronicles Lewis's time working as a bond salesman for Salomon Brothers. If Solly hadn't been acquired by Travelers Group (later to become Citigroup) in 1991 and had survived to reach this century, there's a good chance it would have met the same fate as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.

· Enough by John C. Bogle (Wiley, John & Sons, $24.95)
There's nothing new about Bogle's financial advice. Vanguard's founder still touts simple, low-cost investments such as the index funds he created. But his observations hit home at a time when investors are trying to squeeze every penny out of their investments.

·Nudge by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein (Penguin, $16)
Cleverly written and refreshingly readable, Nudge is an insider's guide to how our own psychological quirks and predispositions affect our decisions about health, wealth, and happiness

· Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties by Beth Kobliner (Simon & Schuster, $16) In this book, you'll find a collection of life's basic lessons on buying insurance, paying off debt, purchasing a home, saving money on taxes, managing your daily finances and investing for the long term. "

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