Wednesday, December 20, 2006

More Label Snobs, Brooke Hogan & Payless Shoes

So I've been chatting with a sales executive from the Orlando area and she gave me another priceless Payless story. Here's the drill. It's a toe-to-toe faceoff between a Fashionable Frugalite and a Big-Ticket Fashionista.

The situation: The Fashionable Frugalite looks great from head to toe: Corporate/but cutting-edge hair, tasteful make-up, cute suit and -- bless her soles -- a pair of Payless shoes. How cute are the shoes? Her footwear wins five-star comments from a passerby, who demands to see the label.

Now Ms. Frugal is savvy and knows the enemy territory. She knows the Fashionista wants to see a brandname label or evidence of some type of triple-digit-price tag footwear that the girls on Sex in the City would wear. Ms. Frugal declines to play the name game, keeps her shoes on, and keeps pace with her crowded agenda.

We can all relate. I've been confronted about labels also. Likewise earlier today, I wrote about Brooke Hogan's recent shopping trip at a Payless store and I offered my own run-ins with frugal shoe haters.

Some readers of totally trashed Brooke Hogan for shopping at Payless.
"What a slob!" --A reader

But others defended Brooke:

"I own about 15 pairs of $2.50 flip flops from Old Navy and damn proud of it !!!!

why pay more, when you can Payless !

--A reader

Another defender:
"Funny, and the shoes I bought the other day at PayLess and am currently wearing are actually incredibly cute and comfortable and very stylish. And I paid under $40 for them. Any shopper in their right mind loves a good bargain. And if you are buying things that are just trendy, you're an outright IDIOT to pay the high end price.

Save your cash and pay the big bucks on classic things that last through several seasons, and those things that will go out of style before the month is over buy as cheaply as possible. Otherwise, you're just stupid.
I fail to see why shopping at PayLess or Sears is cheap and/or trashy."

--a reader.

More comments:

"hey...there is nothing wrong with Payless....they actually have some nice shoes in certain locations.....we all don't shop @ Barneys or Prada......(although I do Louis V)...hehe"
---another reader



The Frugal Duchess Boutique

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