Monday, December 18, 2006

Posts I Liked Last Week

Frugal Weddings, DIY holiday baskets and financial role models are on the lineup today as I look at some of my favorite posts from other bloggers. I could spend hours reading, because there's a lot of great info out there.

Get Rich Slowly offers this excellent primer and behind the scenes look at the nuts and bots of blogging. He spends about 40 hours a week on his blogging habit. I enjoyed this piece very much. I've just bookmarked it.

Blueprint for Financial Prosperity has a fun piece about why he hates paper checks. He taps into some strong arguments for doing away with old school checks: stamps are expensive, your account number is on the check. It's a great read.

Single Ma offers an insightful piece that addresses this question: "Are personal finance bloggers role models?" I appreciate her honesty. We're on the same page:

I have a limited income.
I like to shop.
I have debt.
I have made bad financial decisions.
I do not possess any special skills or abilities.
I am not an expert.
Most importantly (gotta CYA), I am NOT a licensed financial adviser.---Single Ma

Binary Dollar provides wonderful tips about
planning weddings and saving money. Lots of good frugal options: don't wed on Saturdays or in June; get married in the morning and skip the over-the-top dress. I was married in June, but we picked a Sunday service at noon and I wore my sister's dress, with a few modifications.

I'd love to chat with the author for a future print column.

No Limits Ladies has a cute, fun piece about DIY holiday gift baskets. She reads upscale catalogues and then duplicates the idea with items from the supermarket. Really, really fun piece.



The Frugal Duchess Boutique

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:22 AM


    Absolutely. I would love to chat. Please feel free to contact me (My email address is cleverly hidden at and we'll arrange something.
