Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tip Tues: Stupid Pet Tricks & Other Uses for Old Newspapers

As an old-school journalist and a big-time reader, I still have stacks of newspapers and magazines around my house. My piles drive my family crazy, but fortunately, recycling is always an option. Of course, there are also other uses for old newsprint pages. From reshaping wet shoes to cleaning glass windows, old newspapers have assorted uses.

Lately, I have been rolling them up into a small log and waving them as a threat for our puppy Scruffy, who has hit a major barking and chewing stage. I think we need a puppy training course. But beyond my pathetic dog training efforts, I've put together a few lists for assorted uses for newspapers.

Woman's World --a frugal publlication with lots of money-saving tips and $1.49 price tag-- recommends:

1) Wet Shoe Saver: Stuff your wet or damp shoes with newspaper. When the shoes dry, they'll maintain their shape. Oh by the way, fake leather shoes (upscale plastic) hold up really well in the rain. I got soaked leaving the Miami Heat Game last night and my pleather shoes from Payless are fine. We won at the last 1.9 second due to an awesome shot from D-Wade. Quite a buzzer beater!

2) Anti-mud pit: I still have issues with driving. I don't drive, but if I did, I would try out this trick. Carry newspapers in the trunk of your car. When you get stuck in mud, put the newspaper under the back tires for extra traction. If and when, I learn to drive, I will try this out.

3) No-tech pencil sharperner: Allegedly, you can make an instant pencil sharpener out of old newspapers by rubbing and rotating your pencil point on the newspaper. Using hard copies of the Wall Street Journal and the Miami Herald, I just tried this trick and it's a great way to exercise my wrists and arms. I think maybe the pencil point was a little sharper. Maybe. I should try the New York Times tomorrow.

4) Kitty Litter Liner: Well this stupid pet trick works. I'm so not a cat person, but it seems that newspapers are excellent for lining the bottom of a cat's litter box. The newsprint lining absorbs stuff that sticks to the bottom and is more durable than plastic liners.

Source: Woman's World

Meanwhile, Reader's Digest has a wonderful round-up of uses for newspapers.

Here are a few of my favorites.
Store sweaters and blankets

Don't treat moths to a fine meal of your homemade or store-bought woolen sweaters and blankets. When putting them into storage, wrap your woolens in a few sheets of newspaper (be sure to tape up the corners). It will keep away the moths, and keep out dust and dirt.
Clean and polish your windows

If you're like most folks, you probably use a lot of absorbent paper towels for drying off your just-washed windows. Did you know that crumpled-up newspaper dries and polishes windows even better than paper towels? And it's a lot cheaper too.

Deodorize luggage and containers

Do you have a plastic container or wooden box with a persistent, unpleasant odor? Stuff in a few sheets of crumpled newspaper and seal it closed for three or four days. You can also use this technique to deodorize trunks and suitcases (using more newspaper, of course).
--Source: Reader's Digest.

And here's another helpful link: 25 Extraordinary Uses for Newspapers



The Frugal Duchess Boutique

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