Friday, January 26, 2007

How to Score Free Drinks at Epcot: A Frugal Plan for Disney

Earlier today, I featured a piece about free soda at stadiums, courtesy of Tom Lamont, a frugal maven and financial editor from the NY/NJ area.

Inspired by his tightwad example, here's a budget tip for getting free sodas at Epcot, the international and futuristic park at Disney World in Orlando.

We were there this week for a little R&R and we had all the free soda we wanted to drink at Epcot. (Water is our beverage of choice. But soda is a nice treat.)

Follow these steps to save a bundle:

1) Go to the Cool Club exhibit in the Future World section of Epcot. It's a small display/showroom run by Coca-Cola. (Ask a park employee for directions.)

2) Go to the soda fountain exhibit.

3) Get a paper cup (free) and taste the free bottomless samples of Coca-Cola sodas from all over the world. Our favorites were China (a watermelon taste), Israel(a lemony-sprite flavor) and Germany (tasted like spicy ginger ale).

4) Skip the Italian soda button if you don't like bitter-tasting tonic. This was our prank flavor that we offered to unsuspecting members of our group.

5) Go back often during the course of your visit to Epcot.

6) Also drink the free water from the (very clean) Disney fountains.



The Frugal Duchess Boutique

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