Friday, January 26, 2007

NY Editor Saves over $1,400: My Old Boss Shares Secrets: Designated Stadium Driver

Give Ugly Betty a rest, says my old boss. Write about a strategy to save nearly $1,500 in one year by becoming a stadium designated driver and clipping coupons. That's the verdict from my old boss Tom Lamont, editor at Institutional Investor News in Manhattan, where I used to work.

Here's what Lamont -- my Friday Guest Editor/Columnist and frugal maven -- wrote last night:

"Last year I saved $1453 from clipping coupons and signing up at designated driver booths at Giants Stadium, Continental Arena and Shea Stadium.

Why pay $4 for a coke when they’ll give you one free if you just show a driver’s license and promise not to booze it up (which I wouldn’t do anyway? For Kathy [Tom's Wife] and me, do the math. 50 games per year times $8 per game = $400. That pays for several playoff tickets!

And most stadiums have such booths. They don’t advertise them but if you ask an usher or at an information booth they’ll direct you to them.

Feel free to use this if Ugly Betty was a rerun tonight." --Tom Lamont, Institutional Investor News editor

It's frugal advice with a great price tag. He didn't charge me for his remote editing and writing services.

Thanks Lamont. Happy Belated 60th Birthday!!! Hey Kathy!!!



The Frugal Duchess Boutique

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