Thursday, December 20, 2007

10 Little Budget Hits from

At, there's a helpful featured called: "10 little expenses that add up fast" from The list contains a few standard budget-biters: take-out coffee, cigarettes, bottled water from little shops, etc. The list also contains a few outside-the-box entries: the car wash, manicures and unused gym memberships.

The article is helpful because it provides the annualized tab for those expenses. For instance, the estimated annual tab for vending machine snacks: $280

Here's my list of possible mini-budget busters:

1. muffins or other breakfast snacks: $400- $500 annually

2. rotating ceiling fans in unoccupied rooms $8 per fan/per month

3. unused magazine and newspaper subscriptions: $30 to $60 annually

4. late fees library/rentals: $5 a month or $60 annually

5. paper products (cups, napkins, paper plates) $400 annually

6. last-minute school supplies

7. replacements for forgotten supplies/clothing while traveling: $100 to $200 annually

8. convenience store snacks while traveling (DIY snacks are cheaper): $50 annually
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