Monday, December 10, 2007

Yeah, I Work in Pajamas Too! But I'm Not Rich; Just Efficient

I'm not rich like Millionaire Mommy Next Door, but I'm in my pajamas too. I've been a home-based worker since February of 2002. Of course, I miss certain aspects of my former post as a full-time, well-paid staff writer, but I love the freedom of being my own boss. In this post, I wrote about how I turned my hobby into a career: Do's and Don'ts of Turning a Hobby into a Career

Here are the bonuses and deficits of working from home:

1. Diminished fashion sense: I used to be a sharp dresser and when I really focus, I can still pull myself together. But as a home-bound worker, I often wake-up, shower and put on a fresh pair of PJs for the work day.
And when I actually dress up, I've been a fashion Don't. For example, I have left my house wearing two different pairs of shoes, unmatched clothing and inside-out garments.

The Bonus: I spend less money on clothing, make-up and dry cleaning. I can't remember the last time I seriously read or studied a fashion magazine. And I spend less time in the mirror, in my closet and in my head.

2. The 24/6 office: I don't work on Saturdays (my sabbath), but otherwise, I work, work, work. If I'm not careful, I will work through breakfast, lunch, dinner and even through the night. Sometimes, however, I don't work harder; I just work stupid.

The Bonus: I am focused and efficient. When I'm in the zone, I move mountains of copy.

3. The fat factor: When I sit all day, quite frankly, I end up with more to sit on. I have to make an effort to get up and move.

The bonus: Dressed in sweats (aka PJs), I'm already dressed for exercise. So it's really easy to just pop in a yoga tape and exercise.

4. People Phobia: Lunch dates, even coffee outings, unnerve me. I used to be so outgoing, but now I cringe at the idea of leaving my home for a meeting. It's not that I've become shy, but I keep thinking about all of the money I'm not earning while having lunch or chatting with peers, friends or even industry contacts.

The bonus: I've become very selective about lunch dates and coffee dates. When I was on the corporate payroll, I randomly accepted lunch dates. But now, even if the other person is paying, I'm very mindful of the time and labor cost.

By the way, I highly recommend the hot debate over at Get Rich Slowly because of this guest post: How I Became a Millionaire While Working in My Pajamas. It's about Millionaire Mommy's PJ, money and her choices. Grab the popcorn. It's great reading!

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