Monday, December 10, 2007

Zen Approach to Frugal Living: All Women Blogging Carnival is Up

Teaching children how to be economical about thought, speech and action --the Zen approach to life -- is one of several posts in The All Women Blogging Carnival at Barmus. Thanks to the host for putting together an excellent mix of posts.

Here are a few that caught my eye:

From Healthy Living Lounge: The only zen gift to give your children (A great piece on the value of teaching our kids to sit still and to just be.) Personally, I find that I make better decisions (fewer mistakes) about money, career and relationships when I'm in Zen mode.

From I've Paid For This Twice Already: Reaching Our Debt Crossover Point is Harder Than I Thought (This is a very helpful piece about debt reduction).

From Parenting Squad: Timeshare a Nanny (An interesting option for reducing childcare costs.) Share a nanny. Get high-quality care by splitting the costs.

Thanks again to the host for providing the space and time. Thanks for including my post in the mix.


  1. Thanks for the mention! I am glad you found my post useful.

  2. Zen was never meant for children.
    Don't try to teach them what you should learn.
    If you will be zen, your children will find the path easely when the time comes.

    However, you can learn a lot about zen from your children.

    Blessed be!

  3. @paid twice: Thanks for stopping by.

    @dandelion: I appreciate your feedback.

    And Yes, I learn a lot from my kids, including the importance of being calm.

    My kids really enjoy the yoga classes. The classes help with focus, relaxation, etc.

    But you are 100% right; I should take zen lessons from the kids.
    Take Care & Thanks for the visit.
