Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Eastern Wealth Machine: Using Feng Shui to Boost My Savings

I'm going East (to China) to build wealth. With a broom, a book, and lots of energy, I'm applying a few Feng Shui Principles to my home in hopes of boosting my personal wealth. Feng Shui is the use of space and energy--Chi -- (pronounced chee ) to balance and enhance our lives. Here's a wealth-building strategy based on Feng Shui :

Make pretty floral arrangements: "Fresh blooms beautifully arranged attract wealth," according to a recent issue of Domino magazine. In contrast, chipped or cracked vases and dead plants detract from our wealth. Here is the link to a pdf of the Domino article, which featured work by the Feng Shui Detective.

Discard or fix broken clocks: Symbols of "dead time" halt our progress, the magazine reported. I have a few broken watches to fix or purge.

Clear off kitchen counters: From an organizational point of view, I addressed this topic earlier: The Financial Power of Clean Countertops & The Hidden Costs of Chipped Mugs. But according to Feng Shui principles, kitchen messes also damage health and wealth.

Increase structure & banish clutter: More structure and less clutter should "help to improve your financial situation," according to according to Feng Shui in 10 Simple Lessons, a wonderful book by Jane Butler-Biggs.

Purge junk from under the bed: The pile of old magazines under my bed and those old school papers must vanish. "Accumulated stuff weighs you down and those hidden piles block energy flow through the home," according to Domino magazine.

Fix entrances: Repair squeaky doors; remove clutter and furniture from behind doors. Impaired or compromised entrances block the flow of energy (and wealth) into our homes.

Add metal energy: "Boosting metal energy in your home will help you reap the rewards of your hard work," according to Feng Shui in 10 Simple Lessons. To increase metal energy: carefully fold towels and other items, streamline accessories, eliminate clutter, keep home entrances clear. "Metal energy represents order, structure, recreation and pleasure and creativity," states Feng Shui in 10 Simple Lessons. Colors associated with this force include white, silver and gold.

My application: I'm a clutter queen. On an organizational level, clearing away piles of paper and stuff will probably have a practical impact on my life and finances. Any additional wealth from my energy work will be a bonus.

Charting my progress: On the first of every month, I'll check in with my Feng Shui Report. My update will include comments about the piles that I've purged and any increase in my finances.
Previous Posts:

Happy 2008! Famous Quotes for the New Year
The Financial Power of Clean Countertops & The Hidden Costs of Chipped Mugs
Finding Hidden Profits in Mistakes: a 10-Step Program

Sharon Harvey Rosenberg is the author of The Frugal Duchess of South Beach:How to Live Well and Save Money... Anywhere!, which will be published in the Spring of 2008 by DPL Press.


1 comment:

  1. I love this blog post! I'm just getting into Feng Shui myself and I'm realizing I had no chance at any kind of freedom with the mess of a house I'm living in now. We are moving soon and it will be then where I will get to apply the Feng Shui principles. I may link to your blog post in a future post because I just shook my head at all the things you were mentioning not to do, I was doing!

    Thank you!

