Friday, November 07, 2008

No-Cost Colleges: Flying Cheap Under the Radar

There are colleges and universities that offer free tuition. That's good news as I consider various options for my 16-year-old son. My current favorite: a four-year education plan consisting of two years of a local community college, completed with two years at a traditional college or university.

We're also going to explore the wide range of scholarships, grants and other awards available nationwide. Even Mercedes-Benz USA has a scholarship program and there are various essay-writing competitions that offer scholarship money. (see link below)

Meanwhile, the following article about tuition-free programs offers great information.: Pssst! Wanna Go to College for Free? by Alison Damast. Here's a snippet from that article:

Tuition-free colleges -- also known as full-scholarship colleges -- remain one of higher education's best-kept secrets. True to their name, they are institutions that guarantee to cover the entire student-body's tuition. There are only a handful of such schools in the U.S., which is one reason they are often overlooked by students, parents, and high school guidance counselors during the college search, says Sandy Baum, a senior policy analyst at the College Board. "It's not a trend of the future. It's just a certain niche market. These schools have unique situations that allow them to go tuition-free," she said. --Pssst! Wanna Go to College for Free?

Helpful links:

Where the College Scholarships Are

Can You Spot a College Scholarship Scam?

Financial Aid Calendar


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    As the single parent of a college student who recently announced that he'll need a fifth year to finish, I hope you and all your readers use all the resources available to you out there. The cost of college is SO MUCH MORE than paying tuition, books, room and board. Yikes!
