Thursday, November 06, 2008

Online Book Tour: The Simple Dollar Book Review

Every other week, The Simple Dollar features a book review. This week the Frugal Duchess online book tour stops at The Simple Dollar, which has provided a thoughtful and insightful overview of my book.

Thanks to Trent of The Simple Dollar for hosting this stop on the online tour. As one of the top-ranked personal finance blogs, The Simple Dollar is a must-read. His posts range from comments about his earlier financial mistakes to current common sense truimphs and tips: Your Single Best Action For Saving Money.

Related Posts:

Online Tour Stop: Girls Just Want to Have Funds

Online Book Tour: Tight Fisted Miser Book Review

Online Book Tour: Old Clothes Featured at Get Rich Slowly

Online Book Tour: LA-Story Hosts a Frugal DIY Spa

Online Book Tour Visits Digerati Life with a Silicon Valley Interview

Online Book Tour: Budget Savvy's Payday Strategies

I Can't Afford to Go on a Book Tour, But I'll Travel Online


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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