Monday, November 10, 2008

Online Book Tour: Frugal Uniforms Featured at Fabulous Financials

I have a cheap, but fashionable strategy for work and social commitments. I wear uniforms and that topic is in the spotlight at Fabulous Financials, the latest stop in the online Frugal Duchess book tour. Here's a snippet from my guest post at Fabulous Financials:

I work in a uniform. I party in uniforms. I shop in a uniform.

My uniforms are not standard-issue, mass-produced garments. They are not pre-packaged items, but rather outside-the-box, one-of-a-kind creations. These haute — so hot! — uniforms save money because my wardrobe provides an easy fashion guide for the different roles that I assume in life. Here are the uniforms that get me through the week....article continues:--The Frugal Duchess Frugal Uniform

Fabulous Financials is a personal finance blog with lots of attitude and great information. I appreciate the space, time and support provided to me. Thank You Single Ma! Here's a short description of the author and her blog:

I’m a 30-something single mom with a lil diva in training (often referred to as BabyGirl). We have the typical parent/child conflicts, but she also makes me very proud. Sometimes I even think I have the best child in the world! She’s my reason for living. Financially, our long term goal is to achieve a $1M+ net worth.

We own our home, have a comfy emergency fund, 401k, Roth IRA, 529 account, and no credit card debt. For your reading pleasure, I’ve participated in a few interviews where I discussed my thoughts about money, as well as my thoughts about women, ethics, and money. --Single Ma

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I Can't Afford to Go on a Book Tour, But I'll Travel Online


Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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