Saturday, November 08, 2008

Online Book Tour: Queercents Delivers a Book Review

My real estate fantasies and frustrations are in the spotlight as the online book tour continues with a stop at Queercents. Nina of Queercents has posted a thoughtful review of The Frugal Duchess: How to Live Well and Save Money. Thank You Nina!

Here's a snippet of that review:
The theme in Sharon Harvey Rosenberg’s first book, The Frugal Duchess: How to Live Well and Save Money is really about missed opportunity, in particular; the dream home that got away from her. This home (referred to as the Dream House throughout) is in Miami and sold for $425,000 in the mid-1990s. After a decade of double digit appreciation, it was listed in March of 2007 for $2.6M. I suspect today, Rosenberg could snatch it up for an easy $1.9M, but that’s another story.
Thanks to Nina and Queercents for hosting this stop on the online tour. I appreciate the interest and support. And yes, Nina, the price of my Dream Home has dropped a lot in the current market downdraft. I hear that the house is going for $1.5 million and the price continues to drift lower.

The house remains unsold and renters have moved into the huge sprawling house, which has been the centerpiece of my dreams for some time.

Here's some background about Queercents, which provides valuable financial tips:
"Queercents, founded in 2006 by Nina Smith, is a syndicate of personal finance writers serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Financial tips and insights are aggregated daily from the distinct voices of several money writers. For more info: Introduction to Queercents"
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Here's how to buy my new book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders

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