Monday, January 19, 2009

More Free Ways to Watch the Inauguration

Yesterday, I had a list of free inauguration viewing options for those of us without tickets or TVs. As promised, here's another list:

Colleges and Universities: Across the country, many colleges and universities are opening their doors for big-screen inauguration viewing parties.

Museums and Community Centers: Many cultural centers are hosting various free events related to the inauguration. Check your local paper.

Town Hall and Municipal Governments: Some local governments will have viewing facilities for the public.

The New York Times: Through the Internet, NYT will offer a live broadcast. Here's a short description from the Times:

"Live Streams: The New York Times will be live-streaming Mr. Obama’s speech from its home page; video Web sites Hulu and Joost are among the other sites broadcasting Tuesday’s events." source: The New York Times

MSNBC: Yahoo offered this overview of a broadcast from MSNBC:

"For those who prefer to get the inauguration feed while mixing it up with other Americans, MSNBC will beam its coverage to movie theaters around the country. Click to for free tickets. The partnership extends to a simulcast into 650 Starbucks stores in New York, San Francisco, and Seattle. Celebrants can also head to to find a local inauguration party. Already, history buffs are heading to the Web for assistance on the Inauguration Day details, looking up "hbo
," "inaugurationday schedule," and "inauguration time."
--source: Yahoo
Tweet: Here's a rundown from the New York Times:

Live Tweeting: Similar to its coverage of the presidential debates, Current TV is joining with the microblogging site Twitter to showcase inaugural day musings from the Twitter universe, in 140 characters or less" --NYT

For more information: check out this technology piece from the New York Times

"Barack Obama’s inauguration will be televised. It will also be tweeted, live-streamed and simulated in virtual worlds. " full article


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