Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How I Use E-mail to Get Free Facials & Other Stuff & Services

My e-mail account scores freebies that I actually use. On a very selective basis, I have given my e-mail address to a few of my favorite stores and have scored free products and services that I actually use.

Over the last six months, one of my favorite stores, has sent promotional materials offering free in-store facials, 25-percent-off discount specials, product samples and (my least favorite) buy-something-get-a-free-gift offers. I like Origins skincare products because many of the items are certified organic products, paraben-free and effective. Of course, I also like my homemade spa products, but I have also been very satisfied with the cosmetics and personal care products at Origins.

Likewise, friends have enjoyed the perks of preferred customer status at various clothing stores, including Loehmann's. Through standard mail or e-mail, friends have received advanced notice of sales and extra coupons, which have translated into real savings.

Here's my strategy:

1) Do Homework: Identify favorite stores and companies. Check the privacy policy. Avoid vendors who will sell your e-mail account.

2) Consider Alternative Accounts: If you're reluctant to give up your private e-mail account to a store or vendor, consider establishing a separate e-mail account for subscriptions, stores, e-flyers. Gmail, hot mail and yahoo are some of the free alternatives for additional accounts.

3) Open and Read: Deadlines will pass; offers will expire if you don't open your mail.

4) Be Smart: A deal is not a deal if a purchase involves items that you don't really need or like.

Here's how to buy my book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders


  1. Hello Sharon,

    Good stuff. Do you mind if I link to this and other posts from ? Or better still if you would like to post directly on the site we would love it.

    Great stuff.

  2. I recommend these freebie sites:

    They update daily and will clue you into the available freebies/samples offered - then you get on lists & more is offered! Just got a postcard from Aveda offering a freebie....

  3. Loehmann's by far has the best coupons and sales. At least once a year they tend to send me free money. Last year around the holidays they sent a coupon for $20, no minimum purchase no restrictions except that I couldn't get cash back. Other times it has been $25 off $50, which is still worth it. This past weekend I bought a pair of shoes that was originally priced $100+. It was on sale for $25 and they were running a special for 50% of sale prices...I paid only $13.50 and didn't even need a coupon!
