Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Catch Me on Twitter: Mavs & Nuggets Post-Game Chatter

Last night, I was blown away by Dwight Howard's soft-spoken, verbal smackdown of Magic Coach Stan Van Gundy, (former Miami Heat Coach). Tonight, on Twitter, I'll be virtually attending the post-game news conference following the Dallas Mavericks - Denver Nuggets.

With economic prose, I'll try to capture the essence of the post-game comments.

The live post-game media conference -- available at -- is great for sports fans, reporters and news junkies who want an instant fix of sports news.

The format provides Internet access to an unscripted question-and-answer session with coaches and top-performing players from both sides. The coaches and the players offer a lot of insightful comments about life, work and competition.

And yes, sports fan, I think Mark Cuban should offer a better apology to K-Mart's mom & family. You can be frugal with money, but never frugal with apologies or gratitude.

I plan to recap post-game comments live on Twitter after the game. Join me then or follow me later at

my first book:

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