Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Found Money in Vanilla Yogurt

Peeling back the foil lid of a yogurt container, I found 50 cents. Of course, there were no coins floating in the yogurt like blueberries. But a 50-cent-off coupon was imprinted on the label. Lesson: It pays to read the fine print. Some manufacturers are spending more marketing dollars on direct-to-consumer promotions, which means that coupons and other discounts are directly tattooed on to the product.

That strategy has prompted me to pay more attention to packaging and labels. And I have been rewarded. Here's a sample of the information and promotions that I have found bundled into containers of my favorite organic yogurt brand:

  • Cooking Lessons: I found a recipe for strawberry muffins on one label.

  • Green Tip: Buying a 32-ounce container of yogurt involves less packaging/less waste than purchasing five containers of 6-ounce yogurt. In fact, on a penny-per-ounce basis, buying the larger container is like getting one extra serving free of the smaller container. That green and thrifty tip was printed on the large yogurt tub.

  • Free Magazines: By purchasing and saving four foil yogurt lids from 32-oz containers, I could have qualified for a free subscription to one of my favorite magazines. I purchased the required amount; washed off the labels and saved them in a desk drawer. And then my organization skills stalled. The postmark deadline came and went. The foil lids are still in my desk drawer. Maybe I'll use them to create an origami sculpture.

Meanwhile, I saved over $1 on my most recent yogurt purchase: The large tub was on sale for $3.00 (down from $3.79). I redeemed the 50-cent-off coupon, and I received a 10-cent rebate because I had my own re-usable shopping bag.


my book:

@ Barnes & Noble
@ Borders


  1. I found a piece of plastic in the dry cat food when feeding the kitties. I opened it up and it's a $3 off coupon for my next purchase!

  2. Anonymous11:18 PM

    You can find coupons in the instant coffee containers, like for Maxwell House, for the next time you shop.
    And with a popcorn, you save so many proof of purchase, or whatever, and you can get a pedometer. One of the yogurt companies uses the lids for fundraisers.
