Force Yourself To Save! 15 Painless Ways To Pay Yourself First by Silicon Valley Blogger @ The Digerati Life
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#6 Pretend you didn’t get a raise.So you were lucky enough to secure a raise! Congratulations! Now if you’re able to pretend you never received it and instead sock this additional money away especially in an investment account that compounds with time, you may surprise yourself further down the road with a substantial nest egg. I agree, not being able to celebrate a raise may not be that much fun, so use a small portion of it to reward yourself (but I’d avoid those big ticket items)! --The Digerati Life
FREE Land & Handsome Living Allowances! @ FIRE Finance.
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North Dakota and Kansas are giving away free land. Alaska is offering handsome living allowances. Well if it sounds too good to be true, read on to find out for yourselves. --FIRE Finance
Get Over Yourself, Buy Used @ Philby’s Finance.
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One reason for not buying used, which I am a little embarrassed to admit, is that my ego gets in the way. As a middle class citizen of a prosperous western country, I often feel that I don’t “have” to buy used. Under this mentality, buying used is something that is “forced” upon those without the financial means to buy new goods. Because of my higher economic status, I felt like I had the “privilege” to buy whatever new goods I wanted. --Philby’s Finance
20 Ways To Save Money At The Library by Annette @ Frugal Journey
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I adore the library. It’s a fabulous resource for saving money. It’s full of free information, entertainment, and programs that would otherwise cost big bucks if you had to pay for them yourself. --Frugal Journey
Clothes on the Cheap @ Gather Little By Little
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I love clothes, especially nice clothes for work but I detest paying the high prices most major stores charge. Here are some places you can get decent clothing and not pay an arm and a leg for them: --Gather Little By Little

The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store
Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues
Frugal Comic Book Connection
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