From The Dough Roller: How To Find Healing From A Deep Financial Wound: (I loved, loved this very touching, very thoughtful post with lots of great insights about money, love and relationships.)
Time: You’ve probably heard the saying, “Time heals all wounds.” Don’t believe
it. In fact, time can make wounds even deeper if we let it. But what time does
give us is more experience, which in turn gives us more wisdom and understanding.
From Frugal For Life: Defying the HOA to Line Dry: (As a reporter, I've covered several stories about homeowners who have battled neighborhood associations and homeowner associations. One couple that I wrote aabout was sent into foreclosure for failure to pay HOA fines or dues. So this story posted on Dawn's FFL blog really peaked my interest.)
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal gave an account of Susan Taylor
defying the home owner's association to hang her laundry
From The 100 By 30 Project : Things I wouldn't have known if not channel surfing between football games
From No Credit Needed: If You Get Your Paycheck A Few Weeks Early - Be Careful!
From Chief Family Officer: Top 10 Ways I Save Money
From Boston Gal's Open Wallet: Chris and Meg Reis are 28 & 29 and $700,000 in debt

The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store
Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues
Frugal Comic Book Connection
Thanks so much for mentioning my article. We all go through painful events in our lives, and one of the benefits of writing about them in a blog is that we quickly learn that so many people have gone through similar trials. Somehow that makes the difficult times just a little easier to handle.
Thank you for including my post :D I really like your bag-lady article - the part about the well-dressed homeless lady is now freaking me out!
Dough Roller...thanks for your thoughtful comment. Your post added so much to my life. It's a keeper.
Hey CFO:
I enjoyed your piece also. By the way, I also freaked out when I read that passage in the book about the woman who was well-dressed and homeless.
Thanks for liking my bag-lady piece and thanks so much for stopping by.
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