After endless papercuts, I've found several frugal solutions for organizing my junk drawers. Those solutions sparked my latest column in the Sunday Miami Herald.
Here's a snippet of the column.
A common indoor pest plagues many homes in South Florida, namely the ''junk drawer.'' Our catch-all drawers contain everything from old pay stubs to misshapen paper clips. And like ants on a countertop, junk drawers multiply in kitchens, home offices and recreation rooms.By using small boxes from around the home and the sectioned trays from jewelry boxes and tool kits, it's possible to organize the clutter. Phelps offered wonderful suggestions. My favorite part: I don't have to spend a lot for fancy containers and boxes to get my house in order.
Fortunately, there are many simple and frugal solutions to the junk drawer problem. Here are some suggestions from Susanne Phelps, a Hollywood-based professional organizer (
• Say goodbye to the junk drawer. You're setting yourself up for disorganization by even calling it a junk drawer. Every drawer in your home should have a specific purpose.
Here's the link to the full column.

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