Welcome to the 66th Festival of Frugality. If you're new to the Frugal Duchess, please take time to look around my site. But reserve most of your attention for the Festival. I had originally formatted the Festival with snippets of economical poetry. But a last-minute technical glitch forced me to change my plan.
All this week, I will single out different posts from the Festival. I'll make additional comments about the posts.
I'm grateful to Jim of
BluePrint for Financial Prosperity for letting me host the Festival. Thanks to anyone who submitted. Next week's carnival will be hosted by:
Debt Hater.
"ever been kidnapped by a poet... "--Nikki Giovanni --Kidnap PoemEditor's PickBen presents
10 Ways College Students can Save Money on Spring Break posted at
Money Smart Life. These tips are great for anyone planning a vacation. For instance, I really connected with the first tip about looking beyond the brochure when booking a hotel. On one vacation, we were burnt by a hotel that looked great online and in the brochure, but was horrible when we actually checked in.
Sagar Satapathy presents
Live without Credit Cards: 77 Tips posted at
Credit Card Lowdown.
This is a helpful list of money-saving tips for the home, work, the car and other areas. Here's a sample:
"Forgo unnecessary insurance. Card companies will try to
hard sell theft insurance for their cards. Don't fall for it-it's not really
needed. --
Credit Card Lowdown.
Stephanie presents
A Frugal Balance posted at
Stop the Ride!.
"Being frugal is about saving money, but it is also about prioritizing how you
spend your money. You don't have to give up everything you enjoy. You don't
always have to buy the cheapest option. Of course, butter, milk and bacon are
examples on a small scale, but finding a frugal balance, with in your budget,
applies to all levels of our time and finances. A Frugal Balance
The Bargain Queen presents
The B(argain shopping) Team posted at
The Bargain Queen blog.
"You can often get great deals by buying something that's
been minimally damaged and fixing it up (plus it keeps things out of landfill),
but not all of us have the skills or equipment to make even minor repairs.
Here's the service providers you need to know to be able to buy damaged clothing
and have it fixed up." --
The Bargain Queen blogOther Favorites:Silicon Valley Blogger presents
Help! Could I Have Bag Lady Syndrome? posted at
The Digerati Life. This post asks a very thoughtful question: "Could being exceptionally frugal be a sign of bag lady syndrome?"
Bryan C. Fleming presents
6 Percent Online Savings Accounts posted at
Bryan C. Fleming. This article addresses this issue:
"Can you and I get 6 percent interest on our money?"ispf presents
Watching Movies For Cheap (The Sequel) posted at
Grad Money Matters.
Grocery & Food ShoppingJim presents
Saving: Not Always About Unit Price posted at
Blueprint for Financial Prosperity.
Roast chicken or how to pinch a penny ’til it screams posted at
Home Ec 101.
"Here at Home Ec 101 we get a lot of questions on how to
stretch those grocery dollars. One of my personal favorites is to buy a whole chicken. You can get a lot of bang for your buck with one of these, just make sure you don’t buy one injected with anything over 5% sodium solution; it burns
me up to pay for water." --
Home Ec 101.
****correction: Post written by Heather of Home Ec 101****
Yan presents
Browse coupons from local grocery stores online at ProBargainHunter.com posted at
Home StuffSpending on Warranty to Save Money: His television went black, but he saved with the extended warranty. The equation of warranty math, time and home appliances works for this writer. I also enjoyed reading the comment from Tim.
Amy Allen Clark presents
Ask Frugal Momma: The Amazing Dishwasher posted at
Amy Allen Clark. This is a super piece about getting more out of your dishwasher.
Melanie Rimmer of
Bean Sprouts presents
Frugal Mindset Summary:
"One of the most difficult things about becoming more frugal is
breaking out of the mindset that you must have the right product for every need. The article discusses creative ways to make do without specialised gadgets, and challenges readers to come up with lateral-thinking (and thrifty) solutions to three hypothetical problems."
Jenny Blackburn presents
Overdoing Easter posted at
Adventures in Parenting.
CarSavvy Steward presents
Car Freshner Tip - Glade Plugins Refill posted at
Savvy Steward: "A frugal tip for car fresheners."
FMF presents
Buying a Car Using the Web posted at
Free Money Finance.
Entertainment & HobbiesShannon Christman presents
10 Smart Ways To Save Money On Your Hobbies posted at
Personal Finance Advice.
KevinL presents
She's Crafty posted at
Weekends With Dad. This post offers a creative and frugal source of fun with kids. A lot of stores have craft programs and Keven presents his kid-friendly and pocket-friendly day of craft.
Jenn @ Frugal Upstate presents
Columbia DVD Club-Good Deal or Not? posted at
Frugal Upstate.
story3girl presents
Eating out for cheap posted at
story's blog. I loved these tips. Very helpful
ispf presents
Watching Movies For Cheap (The Sequel) posted at
Grad Money Matters.
3 Things About Money:Presents:
frugal Travel TipsBrett presents
Free Magazines For The Rest of Your Life posted at
Banking, Money & Personal Financenickel presents
How to Avoid ATM Fees posted at
Phil presents
Think Before Donating « Phil for Humanity posted at
Phil for Humanity. This post raises the question: "How can people, who are in debt, feel comfortable donating?"
Pushpa Sathish presents
Talking Dollars: The 100 Most Famous Quotes about Finance posted at
Debt Consolidation Lowdown.
Jon Morrow presents
Why Paying Down Your Mortgage is a Good Idea posted at
Real Estate Mega Book.
Shadox of
Money and Such presents
The Bait and Switch : This post is about how companies to "re-neg, ignore and not honor offers, discounts and rebates." Shadox offers strategies for dealing shady bait-and-switch policies.
Sagar Satapathy presents
Starting Early: The Young Adult’s Guide To Personal Finance posted at
Debt Consolidation Lowdown.
Health & Personal NeedsErin presents
There's Money in the "Monthlies" posted at
Queercents. Erin at Queercents calculates the amount of money a typical woman will shell out for the "Monthlies" in her lifetime as well as provide us with alternatives to save money and the environment.
MFJ presents
Frugal cure for a sore throat posted at
My Financial Journey.